In Loving Memory of Nong Nilpradab

Pudtisan “Nong” Nilpradab



Our beloved brother Pudtisan "Nong" Nilpradab, 360,000 Blessing Couple (1995), has passed away on July 22 due to complications from the pulmonary infection. He was on life support. He was 69 years old. He is survived by his wife, Chalaiporn "Pam", their son Kavin (29 years old) and Pam's mother. He was active in the church community by serving as a local council, visiting Camp Mozumdar whenever he could offer volunteer work. He truly loved people.


Starting today, we invite all members to join the 3-day prayer for Brother Nong @7:30 PM Pacific Time from July 27 to 29. We invite you if you wish to share a short testimony. The 30-minute prayer meeting will include Pastor's greeting, open testimonies, and unison prayer. Please share this with other members.

We want as many members as possible to join this prayer. However, if the time does not cooperate with your schedule, please offer prayers at your convenient time. Thank you.

Here is the zoom link:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 842 4042 2939

Passcode: 879464

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+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)

Meeting ID: 842 4042 2939

Passcode: 879464

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Seonghwa Ceremony

A traditional Thai-style Homegoing Service will be held on Friday, July 30. Due to the pandemic, ceremony participation is limited to “invitation only”. We appreciate your support and understanding.

Card, Flower, and Contribution

A gift of a flower, card, contributions can be sent to the family.

To: Pam Nilpradab

Address: 1713 Bradbury Dr., Montebello, CA 90640.

(Checks payable to Pam Nilpradab.)

Thank you,

Rev. Mark Tengan, Senior Pastor

Los Angeles Family Church

Thank you.

LA Family Church