Let Us Offer Our Jeong Seong

Let Us Offer Our Jeong Seong to Welcome True Mother

Pray, Be Present, Donate

March 9, 2019

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
As you know, True Mother is preparing to visit Los Angeles on Saturday, April 6, 2019. She is excited to visit America again, and happily accepted the invitation to speak in Los Angeles.
Bishop Noel Jones, Pastor of the City of Refuge church, is proud to host True Mother for another historical message to 5,000 blessed couples.
Preparations are going strong, and everyone in Subregion 5 is excited to welcome True Mother to the West Coast. More information about the program, registering your guests, etc. will be available soon, but we know we are called to action.
So here is how each of us can participate:

1. Let’s pray together. We are in the midst of a 40-day prayer condition, including a weekly prayer call on Wednesday evenings. The prayer points are available in this link.
2. Outreach and Show up. Consider a trip to LA to attend True Mother on this special occasion with other Christian brothers and sisters who have just received the Blessing. Don’t forget to invite members of your tribe along for the ride.
3. Contribute. Families in Subregion 5 were asked to support with $500 or more, as owners and hosts of this event. We would like to encourage everyone across the nation to share in this offering and make a donation to welcome True Mother. You can donate online here. Every contribution you prayerfully offer will be greatly appreciated. Every offering we make contributes to our 2020 victory.
It is a wonderful time in the providence. It can be challenging, but the harvest is within reach. Our Christian brothers and sisters are ready to receive True Parents through the Holy Spirit. As Rev. Krishnek put is, ’Christianity is the key, and the key is turning’.
Let us go out and expand the network of Blessed families to give Heavenly Parent and True Parents the conditions needed to claim the absolute victory.
God Bless you all,

Dr. Ki Hoon Kim, Regional Chairman

Rev. Demian Dunkley, President

Rev. Larry Krishnek, Regional Chairman President Subregional Director, SR5

Thank you.

LA Family Church