9th Annual Seonghwa Memorial Festival
Join us in honoring the ascended members
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
It is our honor to host the 9th Annual Seonghwa Memorial Festival together with Los Angeles Family Church. We invite you to join us for this special evening, where all of us honor the ascended brothers and sisters in our community. The program will be in the Sanctuary at Los Angeles Family Church on the first Saturday of November, the 4th. Doors open at 5:30 pm. Dinner will be served after the main program. Enjoy fellowship and sharing memories over joyous dinner. A love offering is greatly appreciated. There is no fee. All are welcome. Please R.S.V.P. with Tom Akuzawa at tomakuzawa@hotmail.com, or (626) 278-1982.
Seonghwa Ministry
Tom Akuzawa, Kenny Oiwa