"My World n I" - Life Talks
September event featured in Korean clulture
Park Jiyoung demonstrates her caligraphy.
September 8th is the 2nd event featured in Korean culture with Park Jiyoung, a calligraphist as one of the panelists of this month.
“My World n I- Life Talks” is a monthly panel luncheon and a tribal messiahship project. It is an opportunity for both members and guests to learn from the wisdom of panelists who are distinguished leaders from Unification tradition, major faiths or professional fields. The topic of each panel discussion will be universal and fundamental topics that matter to all and affects our spiritual lives. The panel luncheon is aimed to introduce the teachings of True Parents and unification value, as well as the marriage blessing. A 1 to 3 hour seminar will be available a week after the event day.
It is a program for all to enjoy, to learn and to be connected through meeting in a neutral environment. Especially for those who share the mission of tribal messhiaship, for those searching for a higher truth, and for those seeking for a marriage blessing,
Detailed info will be posted later. The event requires a simple registration at : myworldni.eventbrite.com .