Next Parents Meeting is September 8
Invitation to attend BFM Matching and Blessing Preparation Support Meeting for Japanese-speaking Parents
Dear Parents,
We just wanted to thank all of you for your prayers and concerns for Klara. We are sorry that we had to cancel the previously scheduled meeting. Klara is recovering very well and we would like to extend this invitation to all of you to the next parents meeting re-scheduled for September 8th from around 10:30 am till Noon. Please gather in the Media Room right after the service.
The following is the topic of the coming meeting (the copy from the previous invitation - for your information):
International BFD from Korea has announced a major upgrade to site, now called "Happy Marriage Blessing4U." We will introduce you to very useful new features and show you how you and your son or daughter can use them for the matching process. These features make it possible more effective matching process and easier interaction with your son or daughter. We know you may have other commitments but if possible, please make sure to attend this upcoming meeting.
We look forward to seeing you all at the meeting.
Peter and Klara