“Hyojeong Unleashed”
Winter Workshop for 6th-12th grades
Dear Middle & High School students and their parents,
Los Angeles Family Church will host a Winter Workshop from December 28 to 31 at our church, led by Pastor George Kazakos. Please read the following details, click the links below to register online and download the medical waiver/photo consent form (one form for each child).
Get ready for a crazy Victory Celebration and extreme Divine Principle. Can you handle it?
Start Date: 28th 8:00 a.m.
End Date: 31st 10 p.m.
**EARLY BIRD Payment will be accepted at church for $65 UNTIL DEC. 22nd**
**Afterwards, the price will increase to $75 **
Theme: With True Mother broadcasting themes of Hyo Jeong, Purity, and Peace Starts With Me to the world we no longer need to keep our identity secret. We can be bold, proud, beautiful children of God and True Parents in the world!
28th- Education about True Mother and the Peace Starts With Me rallies and impact, and participation in the live stream.
29th- Victory Celebration Day where we will have fellowship and practice of True Parent's culture.
30th & 31st- Intensive Divine Principle study, lecture practice, and question time.
Click here to download the waiver form