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One Heart Camp 2022

  • Santa Cruz Santa Cruz (map)

One Heart Camp 2022

July 19-24 in Santa Cruz

REGISTRATION IS OPEN for One Heart Camp SUMMER 2022!! It’s been a long awaited moment for many high schoolers to have an in person OHC experience since the pandemic. 

Sign up NOW to save your spot before we open it for out of state May 21st!!

This year's camp will be in the Bay Area. We found a nice retreat site in Santa Cruz, a 10 minute walk from the beach. It will be a different and special experience being along the coast for OHC and to REUNITE as Bay Area and Los Angeles high schoolers. 

WHAT IS 2022 OHC ALL ABOUT? Our theme will be based on the phrase “Our Gift to God: Life is God’s gift to you, what you do with your life is your gift to God”. We will have talks related to the principled topic of "Restoration through indemnity" to learn gratitude in challenging situations as well as learning how to remove our fallen nature. And fun bonding activities:D We hope for the participants to feel empowered through GRATITUDE for God, True Parents, community & family (God’s gift to us). And know God’s ORIGINAL VALUE and VISION for them. 

High School Participants:

When: June 19th to 24th

Program Fee: $475 

Each additional sibling: $15 off => total fee per additional child $460

Volunteer Discount: (more details see end of letter)

cooking for OHC (10 volunteers) --> $350 off one child => total fee $125

cooking for leadership (2 volunteers) --> $100 off one child => total fee $375

REGISTER HERE High School Participants



We have some scholarship funds available. If you are in need of a scholarship and financial help please reach out to us!! If you are from LA, reach out to Mika Miyagi or Satomi Kikuchi. If you are from the Bay Area, please reach out to Gabby von Euw.


If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask. We would love for you to join! We understand that there may be hesitations because of finance, distance & traveling, new location, etc. We will organize carpool for those coming from LA so it won't be an issue.

Please reach out to either Gabby for the Bay Area and Mika Miyagi for LA. We would love for you to come join in.

Have a blessed day,

Gabby von Euw,

SR5 Youth and Young Adult Ministry Coordinator

Bay Area Family Church -- Family Fed USA, HSA-UWC

Thank you.

Earlier Event: June 11
Roots & Wings 2022
Later Event: June 25
No Church Service on June 25