The Main Ceremony on March 22 @7 pm
Doors Open at 6 PM
Please let us know you're coming [click here].
Registration for the Special Grace is required. Please complete the registration [click here]—either as a family or an individual—before attending the ceremony if you haven't already done so.
Bring your completed form: "Statement of Resolve to Start Anew" (must be written at home before coming to the ceremony.) To download the form, click here.
Formal Attire: Men - dark suit; Women - white or light/pastel colored dress/suit; Children - Sunday best
Be on Time: Doors open at 6 pm. Please check-in at the registration table at the main entrance to the chapel (facing to the street). The ceremony starts at 7 pm sharp and will end in 45 minutes.
Dinner: Following the main ceremony, everyone is invited to a celebration dinner. Share your testimony over the dinner!
Break-the-Fast: Those who have completed the 3-day fast (March 19 @7 pm - 22 @7 pm) will be served a special break-the-fast meal after the ceremony. Let us know you’re finishing the fast. Text “(Your name) is finishing the fast on 22” to Shoko at (626) 826-0677.