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"Get Together" on Sunday @Right after Nat'l Service (Copy)

Join L.A. Community “Get Together” on Zoom

Sundays right after the Nat’l Service


Welcome to the Los Angeles Community “Get Together” on Sundays @Right after Nat’l Family Service. It will be around 9:15 am. We will begin with the pastor’s greeting. Then move to the breakout room session. We will give one question which everyone in the Breakout group will share. After that, you are free to choose to stay more or not.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 812 8101 2455, Passcode: 727150

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Zoom meeting schedule:

Right after the Nat’l Service (usually about 9:15 am): Zoom call begins

Representative Prayer

Greeting by the Pastor

Breakout Session: Each person will answer the question. Then participants who want to stay more can share freely.

Finish in one hour

Thank you.