The True Story of These Sioux Blessing Couples
by Ron Pine
I am the person who invited this group to our Conference. When the Blessing opened for people I convinced them to attend the Blessing ceremony which they did. Shortly afterwards the State Leader Jim Gavin asked Elaine Quiver if they will support a Grand Parents workshop and Blessing on Pine Ridge Reservation and they said NO. Then the Regional Leaded called Elaine and asked the same question. And she said NO again. So the Regional Leader called me and asked if I would speak with them.
So I called Elaine and asked her the question whether they will ask 40 or more Grandparents to attend our workshop then Blessing Ceremony. I explain in Indian terms why it is important for these couples to rededicate their marriages. Then Elaine said yes we could organize our workshop at their local high school. Since I live in California Jim Gavin would not invite me to attend the event. So I paid for my airline ticket and my rental car and hotel at my expense. At the event the tribe had the local radio -broadcaster there, so Elaine asked me to stand at the head of the line of people to speak to the tribe by radio. So I gave a presentation before Jim Gavin and he became very upset.
Because of the success of this Blessing Ceremony the Church members went door-to-door and Blessed another thousand couples. After the event Elaine Quiver explained to me the reason they listen to my advise and request is they think my distant ancestors are Cherokee Holy men. Several hundred years ago the Sioux Nation was next to the Cherokee Nation. Which means my ancestors would have live in both Nations.Often they would have wives in both Tribes. So I could have Sioux blood. This why Elaine and Red Cloud listen to me.